Vericose and Spider Veins

Varicose veins develop when the valves within the veins fail to close completely, leading to the pooling of blood behind them. This accumulation of blood causes the veins to stretch and swell, weakening their walls. The dilation can occur anywhere from the ankle to the groin. Beyond the cosmetic concerns, this malfunctioning of the valves and weakened walls can result in discomfort and even pain.

Typically, varicose veins cause discomfort and are aesthetically displeasing. If left unaddressed, they tend to worsen over time, often leading to swelling in the legs and feet. Individuals may experience fatigue or throbbing in their leg muscles, particularly at night. Moreover, the skin around these veins can itch or burn, occasionally leading to more serious complications.

It’s estimated that nearly 40 percent of women and 25 percent of men grapple with lower extremity venous insufficiency and the visible varicose veins it entails. Primary risk factors encompass hereditary predisposition, gender, pregnancy, and age. Many of these individuals endure longstanding leg symptoms that disrupt their daily lives, with symptoms exacerbating throughout the day, particularly during periods of activity. Without intervention, these symptoms may progress to a condition that significantly limits one’s lifestyle.


Spider veins are small veins close to the skin’s surface, often resembling a “spider web” with short, jagged lines. These veins can appear red or blue in color. Treatment options for spider veins include saline or foam injections, known as sclerotherapy, as well as cosmetic laser procedures.

Considered the least serious of common vein disorders, spider veins are essentially smaller versions of varicose veins. They result from blood pooling in the veins due to incomplete closure of the valves. Typically, spider veins manifest as small clusters of red or purple veins near the skin’s surface. While they may be aesthetically unpleasing, they generally do not cause significant discomfort, depending on their size and darkness.

The exact cause of spider veins remains uncertain. However, factors contributing to weakened vein valves include aging, obesity, leg injuries, and prolonged periods of standing.

Contact Our Office

Orlando Heart & Vascular Institute450 W. Central Parkway – Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Phone: (407) 767-8554
Fax Number: 407-767-9121

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4: 30 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-4:30pm