Diagnostic Procedures

How Are Varicose Veins Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of varicose veins often begins with a thorough physical examination. Your doctor will visually assess your legs while you’re in various positions, such as standing or sitting with your legs dangling. They may inquire about any symptoms you’re experiencing, including pain.

In addition to the physical exam, diagnostic tests and procedures may be recommended to determine the extent of the condition and to rule out other possible causes.

Duplex Ultrasound:
Your doctor may suggest a duplex ultrasound to evaluate the blood flow in your veins and detect any blood clots. This imaging technique combines traditional ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound. Traditional ultrasound utilizes sound waves to generate images of the body’s internal structures, including blood vessels and potential obstructions. Doppler ultrasound, on the other hand, visualizes the movement of blood through the veins. By combining these two types of ultrasound, your doctor can obtain detailed images to aid in diagnosis.

During the duplex ultrasound, a handheld device is passed over the affected area of your body. This device emits and receives sound waves, which are then translated by a computer into images depicting blood flow in your arteries and veins.

Although less common, an angiogram may be recommended for a more detailed assessment of blood flow in your veins. During this procedure, a contrast dye is injected into your veins, allowing them to be visualized more clearly on x-ray images. An angiogram provides your doctor with additional information to confirm the presence of varicose veins or to identify any other underlying conditions.

Contact Our Office

Orlando Heart & Vascular Institute450 W. Central Parkway – Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Phone: (407) 767-8554
Fax Number: 407-767-9121

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4: 30 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-4:30pm