
Your Heart: The Worst Foods and Drinks to Avoid

When it comes to your heart, you’re probably sick of analyzing everything going into your body. But, trust us, it gets easier with time. And changing your eating habits may be hard at first, but finding the right foods that taste good will definitely help. And, once you start to feel better, you may become […]

How to Keep Your Heart Healthy This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up, which means that we’re all thinking about love. But, more than love, we start to see red hearts everywhere. The little marketing ploys from candy companies and greeting card companies are delightful, omnipresent, and may be a little reminder if you let them. Does anyone else get reminded of their […]

Sclerotherapy for Veins

Facial vascular lesions often affect our self-esteem, especially if they are quite dark. They often seem to appear in prominent places where they attract attention: our noses, lips, fingers, or near our eyes are common places for these annoying little blemishes to make themselves known. In the past, you didn’t have a lot of options. […]

Protecting Your Health this Holiday Season

When it comes to the holidays, we know how temptation can lurk around every corner. Delicious eggnog, rich desserts, our favorite foods, and everything we enjoy seems to be calling to us. Parties and family reunions fill up the calendar, so there’s no shortage of events and opportunities to eat foods that aren’t so good […]

Smoking Contributes to Bad Cholesterol

Back in the “good old days,” times seemed more simple. You could smoke in restaurants, on airplanes, and pretty much anywhere you could go. It seems crazy now, but that’s how it was. By now, it’s pretty common knowledge that smoking damages our bodies in many ways. In fact, every time you inhale cigarette smoke, […]

Contact Our Office

Orlando Heart & Vascular Institute450 W. Central Parkway – Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Phone: (407) 767-8554
Fax Number: 407-767-9121

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4: 30 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-4:30pm